Shining God’s Light, unto your path.
God’s word is light. Light to our paths as we travel through this world.

Lighthouse allows you, your friends and family to access sermons preached by your favourite pastors at no cost
Sermons from your Favorites.
Connect to hundreds of gospel preachers around the world on Lighthouse. Follow their conversations on the Tribe and also get notified when new lights are received.

Lights for all seasons.
Search through our database of inspired sermons that have been uploaded for your benefit. The search experience allows you to search based on how you feel and topics that interest you.

More features you'll LOVE
Listen Offline
We allow you to download lights so that you can listen to them even when you are not connected to the internet.
Create Playlists
Lighthouse allows you to create beams from your lights you can also arrange them however you’d love to.
Low bandwidth
We have compressed the size of lights to ensure that users with low and limited bandwidth can access them.
Partner with us.
We are looking to work with kingdom minded organizations and groups in ensuring that the gospel gets to the ends of the world. We work with churches, communities, companies and individuals.